Sunday, February 27, 2011

Soal Bahasa Indonesia UN SMA 2009

From the implementation of the National High School Exam April 20 to 24, especially science majors, in Ende, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, the participants complained about the subjects of Mathematics and the Indonesian language as it is considered relatively high difficulty level.

"Students generally complained about math, especially for science majors. Another question that also complain about the Indonesian language. After the scrutiny of teachers majoring in Science, Mathematics about this time the weight equivalent to college level," said the head of the Catholic high school Frateran Ndao Brother Mary Sarto BHK Friday (24 / 4), in Ende.

Due to this condition, Brother Sarto estimate students in achieving value for Mathematics is not too optimal.

Teacher science stream SMAK Frateran Ndao Mariana Severantas say, the time provided for students to do 40 about Math for 120 minutes is not enough.

"Especially with this kind of weight, the average student is required to solve a problem in 3 minutes is quite heavy. For solving a mathematics problem that also must go through several stages," said Mariana.

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"It was indeed very difficult, such as the partial integral more than 2 questions," said Maria Yuliati Tekuleka, students SMAK Frateran Ndao Programs IPA.

"Content-dimensional space if no one got up to 6 questions, should not have a lot, because it is very difficult," said another student, Theresa Tyo Sarina.

In addition, Brother Sarto also expressed, to question Indonesian discourse model very much, this raises its own difficulties for students.

Separately Principal Vidya SMAK Midshipman John Lenta agree with Frater Sarto.

"From the input of teachers, material about Indonesian laden long discourse, which requires logical thinking of students. If students do not usually read newspapers or watch television news broadcasts would be difficult to do the problems of this kind," said John Lenta.
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